Chronikle #122 Tinze Lucinda Huels Case

The year was 1984, Prince released Purple Rain, the release of the album and movie in the same week would launch Prince into stardom.  The longest game in Major League Baseball (MLB) at the time was played, lasting for 8 hours and 6 minutes.  Consisting of 25 innings, and took two days to play.  ItContinue reading “Chronikle #122 Tinze Lucinda Huels Case”

Chronikle #121 Aeileen Ann Conway Case

The year was 1986, Dr. Franklin Chang-Diaz was the first Hispanic-American Astronaut to go into space.  The United Kingdom and France announced plans to construct the Channel Tunnel, better known as the Chunnel.  Stand By Me, Short Circuit and Little Shop of Horrors were taking over movie screens, while dressing like a tennis player wasContinue reading “Chronikle #121 Aeileen Ann Conway Case”

Chronikle #120 Laura Long Case

The year was 1977, President Jimmy Carter was sworn in as the 39th President of the United States, and things were groovy.  The 800 mile Trans-Alaska pipeline was finished and America had their own oil source.  Star Wars premiered and movie goers were lined up out the door to see the now iconic film, notContinue reading “Chronikle #120 Laura Long Case”

Chronikle #119 Trisha Kay Meredith Case

The year was 1986, American Girl dolls hit the shelf not only teaching young girls about American history, but changing the way dolls would be created in the future.  Halley’s comet would appear as it does every 75 years, everyone had their heads to the sky to catch a glimpse.  Micro machines made their debutContinue reading “Chronikle #119 Trisha Kay Meredith Case”

Chronikle #118 Craig Allen Frear Case

The year was 2004, Myspace was just a year old when Mark Zucherberg launched Facebook from his Harvard dorm room not knowing the impact he would have on social media.  Google was now offering a free email service called GMail.  Former President Ronald Reagan passed away from pneumonia complicated by Alzheimer’s Disease.  Martha Stewart wasContinue reading “Chronikle #118 Craig Allen Frear Case”

Chronikle #117 Stephanie Ann Crowe Case

The year was 1998, President Bill Clinton was in quite the scandal at the White House, denying allegations he had an affair with intern Monica Lewinsky.  Apple released the first I Mac and everyone wanted them, the search engine Google was launched changing the way people searched the internet to this day.  Frank Sinatra, oneContinue reading “Chronikle #117 Stephanie Ann Crowe Case”

Chronikle #116 Katherine Erin Korzilius Case

The year was 1996, in January a blizzard hit the Eastern US  killing 50 people. Britain was alarmed by an outbreak of mad cow disease.  In happier news Rent opened off Broadway but would become a very successful Broadway play and movie.  Bill Clinton was re-elected president, and kids everywhere were doing the Macarena.  LunchablesContinue reading “Chronikle #116 Katherine Erin Korzilius Case”

Chronikle #115 Martha Leanne Green Case

The year was 1987, the world population had reached 5 billion people.  Aretha Franklin is the first woman to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.  October 19th is deemed Black Monday as the stock market levels fall sharply on Wall Street.  The first heart, lung transplant takes place in Boston, meanwhileContinue reading “Chronikle #115 Martha Leanne Green Case”

Chronikle #113 Deanna Jean Cremin Case UPDATE NEW RESOURCES!!!

Per the Friends of Deanna Cremin Facebook (link below) New Resource | Same Goal  Justice For Deanna – Positive step forward in the pursuit of Justice…No tip too small, No tip too old…ONE call WILL end it all…Whose call will it be ?#Justice4DJC The year was 1995, Microsoft would introduce Windows 95 and change the computerContinue reading “Chronikle #113 Deanna Jean Cremin Case UPDATE NEW RESOURCES!!!”