Chronikle #24 Christine Marie Eastin Case

The year was 1971, David Bowie and The Rolling stones were totally groovy,to listen to on your way to go see Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, or Dirty Harry while eating some yummy Laffy Taffy.  After the movie you swing by the roller rink to see what’s happening.  Then back home to check on your pet rock, make some shrinky dinks, all before turning in for the night.  For family and friends they stopped enjoying all this the day Christine vanished.

Christine Maria Eastin, was a beautiful nineteen year old young lady from Hayward, California, she stood five foot seven inches tall, she had blonde hair and blue eyes.  She had recently graduated from Sunset High School, and was going to attend Chabot College.  She also recently got a new job at a bank.  By all accounts her life was on track.

1969 Ford Maverick

On Monday, January 18, Sandy, a friend of Christie’s asked her if she wanted to go shopping at Mervyn’s.  Christie agreed and asked her ex boyfriend George if she could use his 1969 blue Ford Maverick.  With the promise of hand washing his precious car before she brought it back to him.  He had no problem with this at all.  Christie had been trying very hard to get back with her ex, however he did not want this.   

Mervyn’s located in San Lorenzo, California

The store Christie and Sandy were shopping at.

While shopping at Mervyn’s Christie brought a pair of knee high black boots, at 9:30 she dropped Sandy off at her house and proceeded on to her home at 25096 Joyce Street.  At home Christie would take a shower, she dressed in the new black boots with blue socks, a red, white, and blue pinstripe tunic top, paired with a bluish gold scarf.  She was also wearing black/brown leather coat.  She told her family she was going to go to wash the car at Charlie’s Car Wash located at 25400 Mission Blvd.

Christie’s home on Joyce street

Christie headed out the door and that would be the last time anyone would ever see her.  She did tell Sandy and her family she planned on hand washing the car, not running it through the automated wash.  Her ex-boyfriend George worked at Jack-n-the-Box located at Mission and Pinedale.  Not too far from Charlie’s Car Wash.  Some reports state that Christie stopped in to see George before she went to the car wash.  This is not confirmed to my knowledge. (NOTE: One forum said the police found a receipt from the restaurant located in the vehicle from earlier that night.) 

Where George worked at Mission and Pinedale.

When she never showed up to get George, he called Christie’s home and asked if they knew where she was, they did not.  Concerned, the family went to look for her.  What they would find in the early morning hours, meant nothing good had happened at the car wash that night.  The Maverick was off towards the back where the vacuums were located, it was still wet.  The vehicle was locked and on the inside were Christie’s purse and scarf she had been seen wearing, were on the front seat, outside of the vehicle there were papers strewn about.  There was no sign of Christie.

Officer Dave Legro responded to the call, upon his initial examination of the scene, he said it looked staged to him, like someone had tried to make it look like Christie was kidnapped.  Legro later learned that Christie could have been pregnant.  Was this the reason she was trying so desperately to get back with her ex George?  Is this why George did not want to get back with her; he just was not ready to be a dad.  Could he have told someone she would be alone hand washing his vehicle that night, it’s possible.  Police did interview him and early on he was eliminated as a suspect.  It is possible it was not his baby if she was indeed pregnant.  Could someone have found out and wanted the issue to go away so to speak?  Questions that need to be answered may never be. (NOTE: The above about George is pure speculation and not based on any facts.)

There were no new leads for several years, then in 2019 a woman came forward and said she had seen Christie be kidnapped that night, she saw two men, one in the drivers side and one shoving Christie in the van, she did not get a look at that man but the one driving she saw well enough that a sketch was made.  The woman said the van was white and had West Coast Mirrors.  A very specific type of mirror.

Sketch of man seen driving the witness stated she saw.

Christie’s parents have since passed on never knowing the truth of what happened to their daughter that night.  Her sister’s and friend’s have not given up hope that one day they will have all the answers to the questions they so desperately seek.  As always if you have any information on this case call the number below.

Hayward Police Department 510-293-7000

DISCLAIMER:  The Certified Roarikle would like to thank all sites that the information came from and state that in no way is copyright infringement intended. 

As always thank you Roarikon’s for reading, until next blog.

The Roarikle

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